
Sunday, June 9, 2019

Dissenting Opinions about Outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dissenting Opinions about Outsourcing - Essay ExampleIn 2009, the jobs that were lost to outsourcing may be difficult to quantify solely Congressional studies last year has already quantified both the numbers of jobs and dollars lost to outsourcing abroad (Jackson 36-40). Also, his argument that more jobs were created in the technology industry due to outsourcing is categorically wrong because the financial crisis in 2010 hit the technology industry hard that many lost their jobs and along with it their homes. Of course, Andriole did not know that the financial crisis volition sweetheart but still, it does not excuse his argument that it is still wrong.Andrioles argument that companies source to focus on their core competency and to save on salute may be a hypothesis when he wrote the article four years ago but it is already a given today that companies outsource not just to focus on their competency but also to save on cost and become competitive. It is a business imperative tha t companies go out outsource to get access to expertise at a good price as what Andriole have mentioned and that is wherever that may be, locally or globally. This is no longer argued today because it is already a part of business reality.With regard to governments responsiveness to technological change and the policy structure and educational system necessary to remain current and competitive is relative. I said relative because Andriole made a sweeping statement without inferring to any concrete work or figure that would correlate his statement. This is arguable because many academicians and politicians will tell that the best universities are still in the United States and we continue to fund in the raw edge studies. On the other hand, many will also say that US capability is diminished and that it is no longer responsive to the demands of the workplace. Many will cite the scores in Math

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