
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Importance of a Global Approach to Regulating Corporate Governance Essay

The Importance of a Global Approach to Regulating Corporate Governance - screen ExampleCorporate Governance Corporate arrangement can be considered to be a recently coined term and has a significant impact on the stage business operations carried on by the companies (Solomon, 2011). Corporate governance is used in various ways and one bad-tempered definition is not adequate to completely define merged governance. Generally, a wide variety of issues that are related to the various ways through which business activities carried on by the business organisations can be directed or controlled is described through the term corporate governance (Turner, 2009, p. 5). If we look at it in a broad sense, corporate governance can be viewed as a system of codifying the conduct of business activities that are followed by different organisations. The wider issues that are related to improving the shareholders doing are also included in the corporate governance mechanisms followed by the compa nies. Certain issues that are associated with the companys stakeholders like the accountability of the business firms towards fulfilling particular interests of the stakeholders are also addressed through corporate governance. Stakeholders constitute of anyone who has a relation with the company including the shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees, community, etc (Turner, 2009, p. 5). There are many theories which have evolved to address the increment development of corporate governance issues all around the world. According to Mallin (2007), some of those corporate governance theories include, the result theory, transaction cost economics, the stakeholder theory, the stewardship theory, class hegemony, and managerial hegemony. The agency relationship is identified through the agency theory wherein one of the parties... The discussion and analysis in the paper followed in MNCs and the approach towards ball-shaped corporate governance system suggest that although theoretica lly it can be beneficial for the companies but practically it is a challenging task. No consensus has been made as yet regarding the trump system of corporate law that is suitable for all the organisations worldwide and whether the convergence of the corporate governance mechanisms followed in organisations worldwide would increase their performance. To be more particularised it is still unknown as to whether a new hybrid model of corporate governance mechanism would emerge or not.The report makes a mop up that the business environment worldwide is changing at fast rate and the corporate governance systems are required to adapt to such changes. It is quite infallible that certain changes in the governance mechanism would occur but the big question lies behind the fact as to whether the corporate governance in a particular country would be able to successfully adapt to such changes or not. It is unlikely that some drastic change would occur to facilitate the global approach towar ds regulating corporate governance because the companies as thoroughly the investors are found to be reluctant to change a system that has been working well for them till now. With the increasing influence of globalisation, and with the organisational structure of MNCs becoming more and more complex, it is certain that some changes would occur in the corporate governance system.

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